Charleston Area Soccer Referee Association

Serving the Soccer Referee Community in the Charleston, SC Area Since 1999 !





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Bucky Jones



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Article I:  Name


The name of this organization shall be Charleston Area Soccer Referee Association, or CASRA.



Article II:  Purpose


The purpose of CASRA is to:


1)      Advance the quality and promote high standards of soccer refereeing.

2)      Assist in the instruction and education of soccer referees.

3)      Promote the game of soccer throughout the community by encouraging better understanding of the laws of the game.

4)      Promote professionalism, unity, cooperation and camaraderie among soccer officials.

5)      Encourage others in our community in joining the referee ranks in order to strengthen the number of referees available in our area and thus enhance the game.

6)      Establish a mentoring program for development of young referees to help and encourage retention of these referees.



Article III:  Membership


1)      Membership Eligibility:

a)      The active membership of the Association shall consist of those persons resident in the Charleston, SC area who are registered as soccer referees with the United States Soccer Federation (USSF), the National Intercollegiate Soccer Official Association (NISOA) or the National Federation of State High School Association (NFHS).

2)      Definitions of Members:

a)      Voting Members:

i)        Have paid their annual dues.

b)      Non-Voting Members:

i)        All other participants.

3)      Rights of Voting Members:

a)      Vote on any matter submitted for vote.

b)      Attend any regular or special meetings of the GM.

c)      Receive credit towards USSF recertification at any meeting where a certified USSF instructor presents instruction.

i)        The Training Committee will maintain records of accumulated credit.

ii)      Before each recertification clinic, the Executive Board will notify the GM, the ARA and the instructor of the recertification clinic of the current number of hours each member has accumulated.

iii)    Member must be present for the entire instructional time to receive credit.

iv)    After attending a recertification clinic, the member’s accumulated credit will be reset to zero (0).

d)     Receive notification of CASRA-sponsored events.

e)      Eligible to participate in CASRA-sponsored events and programs.

f)       Eligible to hold Executive Board and/or committee positions.

g)      Participate in mentoring program.

4)      Rights of Non-Voting Members:

a)      Except as required by law, shall not have the right to vote on any matter submitted for vote or other action of the members.

b)      May attend any meeting of CASRA, but are not entitled to notification.

c)      Ineligible to participate in CASRA-sponsored events.

d)     Ineligible to hold Executive Board and/or committee positions.

5)      Dues:

a)      Shall be payable by June 1st of each year.

b)      Will be determined by the CASRA Executive Board and announced at the Annual General Meeting in December.



Article IV:  Executive Board


1)      The Executive Board shall be the ruling body of the association and shall consist of the following members:

a)      President

b)      Vice President

c)      Secretary

d)     Treasurer

e)      Member-At-Large

f)       Training Director

2)      The Area Referee Administrator (ARA), as the duly appointed representative of the State Referee Administrator, shall be an ex-officio member (non-voting) of the Executive Board.

3)      All members of the Executive Board, except the President, shall have one (1) vote.  In the event of a tie, the President will cast the deciding vote.

4)      The Executive Board has the authority to adopt policies and procedures that it feels are in the best interest of its members.

5)      The term of office for elected officials shall be two (2) years.

6)      The positions of President, Secretary and Member-At-Large shall commence upon their election on the date of the Annual General Meeting of even years.  The positions of Vice President and Treasurer and shall commence upon their election on the date of the Annual General Meeting of odd years.

7)      If an Executive Board member resigns prior to the completion of their term, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement to fulfill the member’s term.



Article V:  Duties and Responsibilities


1)      President

a)      Supervises and controls the business of CASRA with the consent of the Executive Board.

b)      Presides at all meetings of the GM and Executive Board.

c)      Appoints member to fulfill the remaining terms of any Executive Board position that becomes vacant.

d)     Creates and dissolves committees.

e)      Appoints and removes committee members and chairpersons.

f)       Does not vote on Executive Board business, except to break a tie.

g)      An elected Executive Board member.

h)      Servers two (2) year term, and is allowed to serve any number of consecutive terms.

2)      Vice President

a)      Exercise the powers of the President in his/her absence or disability.

b)      Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties.

c)      Has such powers and perform such other duties as may be imposed by law or as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.

d)     If the President resigns or otherwise leaves his/her position, assumes powers and position of the former President.

e)      An elected Executive Board member.

f)       Serves two (2) year term, and is allowed to serve any number of consecutive terms.

3)      Secretary

a)      Takes minutes and maintain record of all meetings of the GM and Executive Board.

b)      Distributes minutes within one (1) week of General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting.

c)      Distributes all official emails from the Executive Board to the GM.

d)     Maintains the newsletter.

e)      Has such powers and perform such other duties as may be imposed by law or as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.

f)       An elected Executive Board member.

g)      Serves two (2) year term, and is allowed to serve any number of consecutive terms.

4)      Treasurer

a)      Receives all monies due the association.

b)      Deposits collected monies in such depository as determined by the Executive Board.

c)      Disperses monies as required and approved by the EB.

d)     Maintains adequate and correct books showing receipts and disbursements of the organization and an account of its cash and other assets.

e)      Prepare and serve statements of accounts at the end of each quarter at meetings of the GM.

f)       Prior to the Annual General Meeting, prepares a proposed association budget for the Executive Board.  This will assist the Executive Board in determining dues for the association.

g)      Has such powers and perform such other duties as may be imposed by law or as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.

h)      An elected Executive Board member.

i)        Serves two (2) year term, and is allowed to serve any number of consecutive terms.

5)      Member-At-Large

a)      Is an advisory Executive Board member.

b)      Has such powers and perform such other duties as may be imposed by law or as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.

c)      An elected Executive Board member.

d)     Serves two (2) year term, and is allowed to serve two (2) consecutive terms.

6)      Training Director

a)      Chairperson for the Training Committee

b)      A non-elected member of the Executive Board, appointed by the Executive Board.

c)      Preferably this position will be filled by a USSF-certified referee instructor.

7)      Area Referee Administrator

a)      Acts as the duly-appointed representative of the State Referee Administrator.

b)      Is an ex-officio member (non-voting) of the Executive Board.



Article VI:  Meetings


There are three (3) types of meetings for the association:


1)      Executive Board (EB) Meetings:

a)      Purpose:  Conduct association business as necessary.

b)      Shall be held at such times as the President deems necessary.

c)      Each Executive Board member will have one (1) vote.  In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote.

d)     EB meetings can be conducted in person or using electronic means.

e)      The Secretary must provide prior notice to the EB of the time and place of the meetings.

f)       An EB meeting is official if there are at least three (3) Executive Board members present, the EB has been properly notified at least one (1) day in advance and the meeting is called to order by the President or his/her representative.

2)      General Membership (GM) Meetings:

a)      Purpose:  Conduct association business and/or referee training.

b)      Should a vote be required, each voting member shall have one (1) vote.

c)      Secretary will notify the membership of general meetings at least one (1) week in advance.

d)     A meeting of the GM will be official if the GM has been properly notified and the meeting is called to order by the President or his/her representative.

i)        Voting:

(1)   The President will vote only in the case of a tie vote from the GM.

(2)   Issues proposed for vote would either be voted on at the current meeting or postponed to a later meeting, as decided by the President.  Should the vote be postponed, the GM will vote on the time limit for the postponement.

(3)   Each member present will be given one (1) vote for each issue.

(4)   Voting will be final if the meeting is declared official as defined in these By-Laws.

(5)   A “majority rules” will be used to decide the outcome of a vote.

(6)   By-Law amendments will be handled according the appropriate section of these By-Laws.

3)      Annual General Membership (AGM) Meetings:

a)      Purpose:  Elect Executive Board members and vote on business that requires the attention of the entire General Membership.

b)      Each voting member shall have one (1) vote (including the current President).

c)      Secretary will notify the GM of the Annual General Meeting.

d)     Secretary will notify the GM of the agenda prior to the meeting.

e)      The incoming EB will take office immediately following the close of the AGM.

f)       All issues voted upon at the AGM must be established by the November General Meeting.

g)      Executive board elections and association business must be decided by a majority vote.  If more than two (2) candidates are nominated for an Executive Board position and no candidate receives a majority vote, then a runoff election will be held between the two (2) candidates receiving the most votes.


At all meetings where association business is conducted, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern except where in conflict with these By-Laws.



Article VII:  Committees


The association shall have the following standing committees:


1)      Referee Training Committee:

a)      Purpose: Plan and schedule training for the General Membership.

b)      Track individual membership training in order to provide an accurate record of training received throughout the year for credit with regard to USSF recertification.

c)      Composed of the Training Director EB member as the chairperson and at least two (2) additional members as appointed by the President and EB.

2)      Social Committee:

a)      Purpose: Planning and scheduling social events for the General Membership.

b)      Composed of at least three (3) members of the association as appointed by the President and EB.


Except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws, the President and Executive Board may create or dissolve any special committees he/she deems appropriate to carry out the purposes of CASRA and delegate to them such powers he/she deems appropriate.  Appointments of the members and chairpersons of a committee may be made by the President at the President’s discretion, subject to approval of the Executive Board.



Article VIII:  Finances


1)      The CASRA Treasurer and Vice President are authorized to sign checks for expenditures against CASRA accounts.

2)      Expenditures greater than $500.00 require approval from the Executive Board, and must have the signatures of both the Treasurer and Vice President.

3)      An audit of CASRA financial accounts will be conducted at least annually and/or prior to turnover of Treasurer duties.



Article IX:  Discipline


1)      Removal of an Executive Board member requires a unanimous vote the other Executive Board members.

2)      Discipline of Voting Members:

a)      Only complaints related to CASRA will be accepted.  Any complaints related to conduct on the field, registration, etc, must be directed to the state association.

b)      Any voting member may notify the Executive Board in writing of an alleged misconduct.  The written notification must include details of the alleged misconduct.

c)      The Executive Board will notify all parties involved, and allow 72 hours for the parties to submit statements.

d)     The Executive Board may elect to rule on the complaint or form a committee to investigate and advise.

e)      Findings of the committee must be presented, in writing, to the Executive Board no more than two (2) weeks after the formation of the committee.

f)       The Executive Board may elect to grant the committee an additional two (2) weeks.  The total time must not exceed four (4) weeks.

g)      The Executive Board will rule on the complaint based on the findings and suggestions of the committee.

h)      The Executive Board will notify the parties of their decision.



Article X:  Revision of By-Laws


1)      Amendments to the By-Laws can be proposed by any voting member at any meeting of the GM, excluding the AGM.

2)      To be eligible for a vote at the current year’s AGM, the proposal must be made no later than the September meeting.

3)      The Executive Board will create a committee to investigate the proposed change.

4)      At the first meeting of the GM following completion of the proposed amendment, the GM will vote on whether or not to include the amendment on the ballot at the AGM.

5)      Amendments require a 2/3rds vote at the AGM to take effect.



Appendix 1: Terms


1)   CASRA                Charleston Area Soccer Referee Association

2)   GM                       General Membership (Voting Members Only)

3)   EB                         Executive Board

4)   AGM                    Annual General Membership




These By-Laws were last updated on 2/12/2019.

1/2/2019...Changed membership dues date from March 1 to February 1.

2/12/2019...Changed membership dues date from February 1 to June 1.